10 Website best practice of typing 10 fingers
Nowadays almost everyone uses computer technology or laptop. Generally, this sophisticated device is needed for the needs of companies and government agencies in terms of taking care of administration. Well, when talking about typing, there are still many people who use computers have not applied the 10-finger technique because they do not know, even though in the modern era there is a website to practice to type 10 fingers for beginners.
Typing 10 fingers isn't really a secret anymore. There are many advantages or advantages that you can get from this technique. What's that? One of them is to be able to make the work faster and more productive. Is it hard to practice to type 10 fingers? Actually not, with some effective and practical 10 finger typing tips and tricks you can easily master it.
So, where to practice to type 10 fingers on this computer and laptop? Start by utilizing advanced technology by learning online on the best sites to practice to type 10 popular fingers that we will discuss in the description below. Want to know the latest information? Let's talk together.
10 Website best practice of typing 10 fingers

1. Typer Shark Deluxe
Not only does TypeRacer use gaming media to practice to type 10 fingers, Typer Shark Deluxe is also the best site that utilizes games to practice to type 10 fingers quickly and practically. What kind of games are provided? The typing game is in the form of challenges such as Adventure mode and Abyss.
However, it is not only games that are available on this popular site. You will also be given a tutorial to practice to type 10 fingers. In this case, you just choose to use the type "Typing Tutor". Next tutotial typing 10 fingers well and correctly will be displayed.
2. TypeRacer
TypeRacer is one of the websites that provides simple racing car themed gaming facilities. How can it be? So every time you play it it will be given a race car. Next, you'll take control of the car. However, interestingly here you control the car by typing text that looks on the screen.
The more accurate and fast you type, the faster the race car can reach the finish line. Not just learning, here you are required with practical effort and practice to optimize your 10-finger typing technique.
3. Keybr.com
For those of you who want to hone your 10-finger typing skills and want to also see how good your skills are, try to use the games provided by a website called Keybr.com. Here there are random words written randomly, your job is to rewrite the word with a fast time and the correct spelling.
4. Touch Typing Study
Next there is a website to practice to type the other 10 best fingers, namely Touch Typing Study. On this site you will be properly trained to master the placement of your fingers properly and correctly. You will be asked to write some letters in a repetitive way. You have to use your fingers properly. One of the advantages of this website is that you can choose a choice of languages.
5. Learn Typing
Learn Typing you can also use to learn to type 10 fingers because in it you can learn many things related to techniques that need to be applied. Starting from beginners to advanced levels all have their own level of difficulty that is adjusted to how good your skills are. So, you need to go through each level to reach a high level.
6. 10 Finger Breakout
10 Finger Breakout is a game used to practice to type 10 fingers. This application carries game facilities as well as learning to type 10 fingers practically and efficiently. While you may not see the animated graphics as modern to today's game games, the ability to teach you to type 10 fingers will continue to grow and get you used to positioning your fingers on the keyboard.
7. Ratatype.com
Ratatype.com is one of the sites to practice to type 10 fingers which is also recommended for you. The site has its own techniques related to how to teach the technique of typing 10 fingers easily and quickly. There will be text that you will have to complete. Furthermore, the results will be immediately seen when you have completed the given mission.
8. Thetypingcat.com
The next site is also no less complete and interesting to try in terms of teaching you 10 finger typing. Later you will be given finger instructions that are in accordance with the right and correct typing position of 10 fingers. So that when you type, it will automatically be seen accuracy directly.
9. Typingtutor-online.com
No less interesting than the website and application that we have discussed above, this one website has its own attraction that should be considered to practice to type 10 fingers well. On this site, you will be notified of the typefaces that are in the home row, upper row and bottom row. Not only that, this 10-finger typing media is practical so you will be easy in terms of following it.
10. Tipp10.com
Next up the last website on this list is Tipp10.com. Unlike other sites or applications above that are done online, this site is also intended for those of you who can not always use online learning media. When you do not have an internet connection, then you can still practice it using the software.
Not only that this site also provides hand position instructions but it is still available in English, if you are wrong in positioning your finger then the correction will automatically be visible. It's interesting, isn't it?
The above description is information and knowledge updates that tell you about the list of website names learning to type the best 10 fingers recommended for you. Complete guides, facilities and materials will greatly assist you in maximizing the 10-finger typing ability more skillfully and well.
Thus, once you have mastered the technique of typing 10 fingers on a laptop or computer you will feel the benefits yourself. Starting from a job that is quickly completed, much more productive and no less important, you will appear more confident, right? Which site you choose can be customized to your liking. Good luck.