How to Create a Free Blog from Blogspot for Beginners
How to Create a Free Blog from Blogspot for Beginners. Currently, we can find a variety of information anytime and anywhere through the internet.
By browsing the internet, you can find a variety of information sites managed by professional media websites or bloggers.
Never mind, you've thought about it. Time is almost information, and finally get the appropriate information from bloggers, then suddenly so want to have a blog too?
If so, we recommend you try making it.
Because, to create a simple blog, you can use blogspot even when you don't have any coding or programming skills.
How to Create a Free Blog from Blogspot for Beginners

What the heck is blogspot?
Blogspot is one of the most popular blogging platforms that has subdomains Well, one of the blog site providers we usually know as Blogger
So far, blogspot is a blogging platform that allows everyone in the world to share information in the form of a blog.
Blogspot is a simple and easy-to-use blogging platform even for beginners. In addition, Blogspot is also a service managed by Google. Which as you know, Google is a big company that will provide you with a lot of convenience in this blogging activity.
After understanding what blogspot is, you also need to understand how this Blogspot functions
Blogspot Functions
Blogspot serves as a platform that allows you to create content, share information, and present it in the form of a blog.
Blog itself is a type of website that will disgust the content you create in the reverse content order, which is to put the latest content first.
After understanding the meaning and function of Blogspot, then you must be wondering, how does this Blogspot work?
So put it this way, yes,
Blogspot will provide a number of features that will make it easier for you to create posts as well as allow you to have a blog address with a
In addition, inside blogspot also you can set the appearance of the blog to your liking. Whether it's from the theme, blog layout, or the type of Font and Font Size that you will use in writing your article. More than that, by having a blog also you have the opportunity to promote.
You can promote your skills, or the promotion of your merchandise, or promote other positive activities.
And interestingly, creating a blog from Blogspot is easy, free, and does not cost you in the slightest lhoo,
Don't believe it? Come on, let's prove it!
Here's How to Create a Free Blog from Blogspot for Beginners
- The first thing you need to do if you want to create a blog on Blogspot is to set up your Gmail account. Please sign up for a Gmail account if you don't already have one. For additional information, if you really haven't created a free Google Gmail for the latest blog 2022, you can find out how here.
- Next, please visit to start creating a blogspot account
- Well, for those of you who want to directly create a blog, please click "Create your Blog"
- Then, you will be redirected to the Login menu. Please log in using your Gmail account information.
- Next, please create your blog by filling in the Blog Title field. Fill in the blog title column according to your wishes.
- Next, fill in the blog address (URL) that will be used as the domain. For example, "jasakbb". Later, your blog will have an address in the
- Then, Fill in the Blogger Profile according to your identity, then click the Done button
- And, Done! Your blog is ready and can be accessed according to the URL address you entered earlier.
The Final Word
Finally, that's information related to How to Create a Free Blog from Blogspot for Beginners which this article can share this time. Hopefully, this information can be useful for you